Friday, May 25, 2007

Waterton Canyon

To add to our hiking adventures so far this past year we went to Waterton Canyon last weekend. It's pretty...but DEFINATELY more of a biking trail than a walking trail. So next time we'll take our bikes.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Roxborough Park

We decided this was the summer of enjoying the outdoors and trying new things! So our first attempt was this past weekend at Roxborough Park. What gorgeous red rocks! Who knew that was so close to our house? We did about a 4 mile hike ending at about 6500 ft elevation. We heard a rattle snake in the trees shaking his tail... kinda freaky, but so long as he doesn't come out we'll be okay! They see mountain lines, bears and rattle snakes pretty frequently at this park. We ran into these 2 deer just hanging out by the road...I'm sure we'll be back very soon!