Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Holidays!

May this next year bring your families much love and joy!

Brooke and David

NYC- Marathon 2009

Yes, this year David did the NYC marathon! It was so cool. We went to just have a great time in NYC (unfortunately before the tree was up....) and celebrate David's birthday in November. The marathon was the most intense we've seen thus far! He left on a bus from 40th and 5th Ave to arrive at Statten Island to sit for 4 hours to wait for the start of the race. I met him at mile 16 and we ran through Harlem together. It was pretty cool, considering we were there the day before at Sylvia's the fried chicken queen of the world! The day we visited Sylvia's is where I got my job offer at the new place while in Harlem's Foot Locker. AND we found a Starbuck cup that says Harlem. OMG... yes we had to buy it!

Of course we made our annual visit to Chesley market and bought some cibatta bread, bree cheese and some beverages (wine for Brooke and some caffeinated beverage for David). We then proceeded to Central Park where we watched the ice skaters and ate a lovely late lunch. At the same time, David had planned a surprise for me...a new ring to celebrate all the amazing things that have happend in the almost 4 years of marriage! To say the least, I was quite surprised, and Central Park will always hold a dear place in my heart.

We got a great place at the Hotel Buckingham on 6th Ave and 57th. Right down the street from Times Square and Central Park. We got great local advice on places to eat...and come to find out the old Hell's Kitchen area is where all the locals go. We spent 2 nights for dinner there, and to say the least, it was reasonably priced and GREAT food (not full of a bunch of tourists...just up our alley). We'll go back to Hell's Kitchen next time too!

All in all, NYC we'll be back for Christmas time hopefully next year.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Australia- Melbourne

After our trip to Sydney we went down to Melbourne for a few days to just relax. Of course we spent some great times with our friend Shannon. She was our designated tour guide, and she did a great job. We had lunch with friends, went shopping (Ashton found a great coat) and we found some cool picture spots. Melbourne is a bit more laid back than Sydney. melbourne seeems a bit more liberal!

We took a day trip up to a Wildlife Sanctuary and got to pet a kangaroo! We then did a few winery tours and tastings. All in all, our last day in Melbourne was quite relaxing. We even got a few bottles home to enjoy later.

Melbourne was such a great time and I really enjoyed the time with Ashton. It will be great to take David there next time.

Australia- Sydney Adventure

Although this adventure does not involved David, it was still worth posting! Ashton (my brother) met me in Sydney last week and we toured Australia for a week! Sydney was our first stop...and we enjoyed good food, great company, seafood and good wine. We also got to see the Opera house, Botanical Gardens and the Harbour Bridge.

The biggest thrill of Sydney was the Sunday service at Hillsong. It felt so good to be back in a church like that. We both definately enjoyed it.

Sydney was cooler than planned on, but we had a great time shopping the local farmers market (got some wine shipped home to remember Australia by) and found some funky wares. Our hotel was about 6 blocks from the Opera house and thus we ate dinner every night by the water overlooking the Opera House. Need I say it was way cool?! I will probably find a way to get back there one day.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The second home, Basalt CO

Here are some pics of the townhome David is renting for this year. It's fully furnished and actually very reasonably priced!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Now that the family is back in the states and their home completed we have made a few trips back in the last few months. We went back at the start of May so David could see the family before the summer hit.

We went out with Ashton for a photo op...and visited the farmer's market. Oh the season has begun! Fresh fruit and veggies makes you want to quit your job and just enjoy the great season. Oh to be in college again...or may not. I can't decide.

Adventure Seattle

As luck would have it I got to visit Seattle a few weeks ago. I love Seattle. I don't think living there would be that great...but visiting is pretty cool.

I walked down to the Pier one afternoon I had a few hours to spare. The Pier is probably my favorite spot. They redid the old Starbuck's to make it look "prettier" or at least I remember it being much smaller the last time I was there 6 years ago. It's pretty sweet now.

Tulips were in bloom..and the market reminded me of the flower market in Amsterdam. the fish guys were out in full force and the fresh local fares were to be experienced. My only purchase from there was a Seattle Starbuck's cup. I know...cheesy. But one day you will have to see our city mugs as we have some SWEET cups. The only thing I want David to remember from our house in Basalt when he moves out is the Starbuck's cups.

All in all Seattle you are always on my list.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

David's first week in Aspen

Check it out! David made the front page today.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

David's got a job in Aspen!

David got a job in Aspen this past Monday as a cop! We moved him up last week and he's getting the groove of Basalt and Aspen down. We have gotten a townhome in Basalt (about 20 minutes south of Aspen) that we'll be renting for this year. We'll be keeping the place in Denver for now as I still need a place to crash when I'm in town! You can't complain when it's Aspen and Castle Rock! Both great places to live.

The cats are adjusting to not having anyone home...but we'll figure all this out over the next few months!