Monday, May 25, 2009

The second home, Basalt CO

Here are some pics of the townhome David is renting for this year. It's fully furnished and actually very reasonably priced!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Now that the family is back in the states and their home completed we have made a few trips back in the last few months. We went back at the start of May so David could see the family before the summer hit.

We went out with Ashton for a photo op...and visited the farmer's market. Oh the season has begun! Fresh fruit and veggies makes you want to quit your job and just enjoy the great season. Oh to be in college again...or may not. I can't decide.

Adventure Seattle

As luck would have it I got to visit Seattle a few weeks ago. I love Seattle. I don't think living there would be that great...but visiting is pretty cool.

I walked down to the Pier one afternoon I had a few hours to spare. The Pier is probably my favorite spot. They redid the old Starbuck's to make it look "prettier" or at least I remember it being much smaller the last time I was there 6 years ago. It's pretty sweet now.

Tulips were in bloom..and the market reminded me of the flower market in Amsterdam. the fish guys were out in full force and the fresh local fares were to be experienced. My only purchase from there was a Seattle Starbuck's cup. I know...cheesy. But one day you will have to see our city mugs as we have some SWEET cups. The only thing I want David to remember from our house in Basalt when he moves out is the Starbuck's cups.

All in all Seattle you are always on my list.