Thursday, March 11, 2010

Santa Barbara, 2010

I had a trip for work planned to SB this past week and I decided since David was off it would be great if we went together and he could visit his friend Heather. We had such a fun time. We stayed at the Hotel Mar-Monte, right next to the beach. The sound of the open air and ocean when the door was open on our patio just made you wish you had your own ocean to listen to!

We hung out and went to a great little place for breakfast one morning (awesome pancakes and waffles) and then went to the farmers market that evening and bought some amazing strawberries. We ate great mexican food, hung out with dear friends and met the cat that talked. We went for a run on the beach, went to Trader Joe's and ate pastacios.

The coffee was amazing, the local farmers fare fantastic and the friendship, priceless. I can't wait to go back to SB.

Moab 2010

We decided for our anniversary this year to head out to Moab, UT. We really had to go see the arches!

It's a really small town, with not a lot to do. But we were okay with that as the hiking was amazing and the arches really great. We had a ton of fun, and will probably be back this year. The 3 hour drive wasn't that bad!