Saturday, September 23, 2006

Pocono Mountains

Have you ever tried to find your way around New York City's Manhattan without directions and a very non-detailed map? Well, we decided to add that to our list, not on purpose of course. Last weekend we ventured from Long Island up to Deleware's Pocono Mountains. Rush hour NY traffic all the way there made the typical 2 hour trip take 7. Plus I got us lost a few times. Needless to say, once we were there, the cabin was great with a little waterfall in the back. I think we both slept the most we've ever slept at one time both nights we stayed at the Martinville Cottages. We found a great candle factory there where they had the old school barrels full of candy. Gummy snakes, worms, chicken's feet, bears and cinnamon dollars here we come!

At the end of our trip we met our friends Oliver and Isabel in Manhattan's infamous Chelsey Market... one of my fav places in the whole wide world! While there we saw Rachael Ray and Larry King... you can never pass up celeb sightings! Needless to say, having a loft above Chelsey Market would be incredible. As Oliver says, you'd have a fresh grocery store in your basement. Overall it was a good trip... we learned a lot on this one and needless to say will probably never find ourselves without directions or a map ever again.

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