Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Petra Adventure

We decided to ditch the trip to Cairo to see the Pyramids and go to Jordan and see Petra. Petra is an old civilization carved out of limestone moutains, just recently voted one of the seven wonders of the world. You take a ferry from Taba Heights over to Aqaba, Jordan. From there you bus 2 hours up into the mountains to the town of Petra. Then you walk through the mountains that have parted through the shifting of the titanic plates within a gorge. Beautiful colors and fantastic views of the city carved out of the mountainside. David and dad tried some authentic turkish coffee.. can't say either of them enjoyed the coffee grinds that were included in the warm beverage of choice. Lots of camels and donkeys.. you start to get used to it! Definately worth the treck up the mountains and the day trip it consumed.

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