Sunday, April 13, 2008

Glenwood Springs...Hanging Lake and Doc Holliday's Grave

We headed up to Glenwood Springs this weekend...partly to go to Aspen before the season ended and hit up the thrift stores and also to go to the Hot Springs. We stayed at this great B&B about 5 min out of Glenwood Springs. Nice and relaxing.

The hot springs were pretty cool...the smell of Sulphur only gets you for the first few minutes, and then it's not so bad.

We also visited the "grave" of Doc Holliday. They are not sure where he's buried, but it's somewhere in the cemetary.

We headed up to Hanging Lake on the way home. It was really pretty, but a really tough hike! Given that it's April, and there is still snow everywhere, the 1.5 mile hike UP the mountain was icy and steep. The way down...well reverse the way up and there you have it! One big ice sheet slide. And the incline/decline was pretty substantal.

All in all, it was nice to go up to the mountains. We hadn't been all year, so at least we went while there was snow on the ground. I doubt we'll go back for a weekend trip. But it was fun all the less.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brooke, call me.
I hope all is well with you and your husband. I got an e-mail from you saying you are in nigeria needing money. Basic scam, but they used your name at the end of the message and your e-mail address