Thursday, December 29, 2005

Cooking Adventure, Christmas 2005

Christmas this year was very simple, yet very enjoyable. David and I didn't exchange gifts this year, as we have the wedding coming up very soon as well as a few other things to purchase.

Our weekend cooking adventures were nothing short of disastorous. I tried to make cinnamon rolls on Christmas eve.... for some reason they never rose, and rolling them into a loaf was more of a sticky situation on the counter tops than a success. I baked them, and baked them, and baked them some more. All the filling came out into the pan and again, they didn't rise in the oven. Needless to say, 2 pans of cinnamon rolls were tossed away. We thought about giving them to a homeless shelter, but thought we insult them.

Next came the chicken and noodles... the noodles were homemade from David and his aunt. I took the yummy smelling noodles out of the oven, and tasted one... that was some odd tasting noodle. Trying to place the taste (as it tasted like something I had smelled recently) I realized that the noodles had ridden the entire 8 hour car drive from Omaha back to Denver next to a slightly leaking can of goof-off. Not only did it leak onto the plastic baggie, but the fums from the goof-off had soaked into the doughy noodles. So, yet another cooking disaster. The ham... we won't go there. All I can say is thank God for friends' houses you can go to on the holidays. From now on... I'm going to let others cook the holiday meals.

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